Friday 18 November 2016

Get the best tyre re-treading in Mumbai & Delhi

Tyre Retreading is a revolution in the automobile and tyre industry. As more and more people are getting educated about it, they are coming in front to adopt this technology. Tyre Retreading has proved to be a boon in the industry. Tyre Retreading means remolding or remanufacturing the tyres by removing the damaged or worn out treads from it.

There are two ways to retread tyres: Pre-cure and Mold cure. In the pre-cure method, tread strips are prepared previously itself and it is applied to tire case with cement. It is the most commonly used method and provides flexibility in retreading as it can be used with any type of tyre, where design and size do not matter. In the Mold cure method, rubber is applied to the tire case and tyre tread is molded. In this type of retreading design and size of the tyre matters and so this method is not so flexible, yeat it is far better than throwing the tyre.

The company is the best company, which gives you the services of retreading tyre. The tyre retreaded by the OTR Tyre Retreaders is stronger and has more durability in comparison to new tyres. Retreading of tyres is done only on old and used tyres. These used tyres are inspected properly b our team of experts and if fit then retreaded. Retreading by our experts no doubt gives a new and better life to tyres, especially the OTR tyres, which have long and tough distance to carry. These vehicles needs to travel long distances and Indian terrains you know is the toughest of all. So Truck Tyres Retreading by our company is the best option for your vehicles. We retread the tyres and make them durable enough to take this tough journey easily.

These tyres are stronger and durable than new tyres. Retreaded tyres are eco-friendly and cost-effective. A used and old tyre can be reused twice or thrice in a lifetime. In fact, the OTR Tyres are designed to be retreaded. It is jus that we acquired this knowledge late. Retreading tyres saves gallons of oil, which can be used to manufacture new tyres. So by getting your vehicle’s tyres retreaded you are actually saving a large quantity of natural resources for the coming generation. You are working for a noble cause, though indirectly, So retreading the tyres gives you a matter to feel proud of yourself.

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